Position: Head of the Computational Biology and Systems Biomedicine Research Group
Head of the Computational Biology Data Analysis Platform Ikerbasque Research Professor
Period: Since 16/January/2014
Institution: Biodonostia Health Research Institute
Group: Computational Biology and Systems Biomedicine
Address: C/ Doctor Begiristain s/n, 20014 San Sebastian (Spain)
Phone number: +34 943 00 6108
E-mail address: marcos.arauzo@biodonostia.org
Homepage: https://www.arauzolab.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3264-464X
Researcher ID: A-1706-2011
Scopus ID: 6602236898
Electronic and control engineer from the University of Valladolid, Spain; with PhD degree in industrial technologies from the University of Cartagena, and a PhD degree in information technology and biotechnology from the Kyushu Institute of Technology in Iizuka, Japan. He was awarded a 2-year Japan Society-for the Promotion of Science, JSPS postdoctoral research fellowship at the Kyushu Institute of Technology.
He led for 7 years the laboratory of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster, Germany. Since 2014 he is an Ikerbasque Research Professor, head of the group of Computational Biology and Systems Biomedicine and head of the Computational Biomedicine Data Analysis Platform at the Biodonostia Health Research Institute, San Sebastián, Spain. Member of the CIBER network of Frailty and Healthy Ageing (CIBERfes), Madrid, Spain; member of the Thematic Network of Excellence for Transitional Bioinformatics Network (TransBioNet), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain.
Coordinator of the European project 4D-HEALING: Data-Driven Drug Discovery for Wound Healing (ERACoSysMed call 2017). Principal investigator of FET European proyect CIRCULAR VISION: Circular DNA in diagnosis and disease models. He develops Big Data approaches for integrating omics, image and clinical history data to study the interaction of biological networks in terms of their topology, dynamics, and perturbations to interpret complex biological systems associated with neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, aging, stem cells and regenerative medicine.
His vast experience analyzing and deriving models from omics data, especially epigenomics, produced more than 140 publications, many of them with very high impact such as Science, Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Cell, and Journal of the American Chemical Society.